Who owns City Mission?

The City Mission is owned by the community it serves.  It is operated as a not for profit, non – denominational Christian organisation with a board of volunteer directors overseeing the governance and direction of the organisation.  Its business is conducted through the leadership of a Chief Executive Officer and a small team of area managers. The work is carried out with the help of over 500 workers most of whom are volunteers.  Membership is open to members of the community who wish to secure voting rights at general meetings.

Is City Mission a Church organisation?

No.  The City Mission has no official links with any denomination of the Christian church.  However its chief motivation is to spread the good news of God’s love and the life transforming power that can be found through a personal relationship with Him, through his son, Jesus Christ.  It is through the work of the City Mission that many churches and other organisations in Northern Tasmania extend their hand of charity to people in the community that need our help and care.  We are spreading God’s love in practical ways.

Where does the money come from?

City Mission is funded from a number of different sources.  Being a community organisation it relies heavily on community support.  However, through its operation of responsible and community focussed social enterprises it has grown to a position where 50% of the funds required to continue and grow its reach into the community are generated.  Funding (approximately 35% of our total revenue) is received from government agencies to assist with emergency relief, housing and drug and alcohol services. The remaining 15% is received through free will donations from caring individuals and organisations through active fundraising campaigns and events.

How can I be involved?

Having sufficient funds to carry on our work is always a challenge.  There are several ways you can be a part of our work by being a financial partner.  You may wish to make donations at any time or as part of a major fundraising campaign.  Regular giving through Mission360 is a good way of ensuring that funding is always available.  Many reserve a portion of their estate to us through a bequest, thereby ensuring their influence remains after they have gone.  If you are part of a church or other organisation you may wish your organisation to become a sponsor or partner with us on a specific project or program.  Also in – kind giving through the offering of services and materials are most welcome.

Giving of your time through volunteering is always a rewarding experience.  There are many opportunities across many areas of service at the City Mission.  Phone us on 6335 3000 to make enquiries.

We always appreciate your prayers.  Please include us and our work in your prayers regularly.  Keep in touch with us by liking us on Facebook (Launceston City Mission), regularly visiting our web site at www.citymission.org.au and ask to be included on our newsletter mailing list.